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One Man's Vision Becomes a Reality...

"Each delivery has a story from sender to recipient" Says Carlos Colon, the CEO of a New Peer to Peer Delivery Service called ThankX.

In March 2020, as the first wave of Covid 19 was shaking up communities across our Nation, one man ask himself a question, and that question was "What can I do to help?" That man was Carlos Colon the now CEO of ThankX. (Pronounced Thanks, but Spelled with an X)

Carlos, a Fashion Designer, Real Estate Investor & Tax Analyst was born in Philadelphia, raised in Puerto Rico and has always had a focus on the community need around him. For years he has Volunteered, Sponsored and worked with numerous organizations, pageants and fund raisers to give back to the community around him.

I recently caught up with Carlos for a fascinating Interview about his Life, Passion and the development of ThankX which can be seen here:

Peer to Peer Delivery has been on Carlos's heart for awhile and when Covid 19 hit, he said to himself "The Time is Now!"

With Covid 19 Quarantine Regulations in place and many of his peers housebound and with nothing to do, Carlos worked quickly to develop something that would satisfy the needs he saw all around him and that something was ThankX.

ThankX would not only get vital food & supplies to those stuck at home but would also provide work for those same peers in his community.

"Carlos is the Dictionary Definition of a true Entrepreneur! It's all about the win win, connecting needs with solutions, that is the power of a true Entrepreneur"

~ Brittney Richardson

With the help of Bruce Leto, Jr. from Design by Artisan and many other great people Carlos launched ThankX and went to work satisfying needs in his community and beyond.

I asked Carlos what Separated ThankX from like an Uber Eats, GrubHub, Door Dash, Task Rabbit etc and he said it's a culture of Gratitude.

Beyond meeting needs, Carlos revealed their "Secret Sauce" if you would to their success and that Secret Sauce is gratitude. "Gratitude is Everything" Carlos said in our interview and that is the passion of ThankX. Carlos said "What do people say when they receive something? Thanks" He then added the X for Express to build a culture around gratitude and service to the community.

Carlos stated that ThankX is currently Serving the Philadelphia, Jersey areas, as this is his immediate region but he added that he is excited to bring this across the country as those doors open!

Carlos told me in our interview

"I know I'll get that phone call to take it to the whole Nation" and he says "Let's do it!"

It was such a pleasure and honor spending time with Carlos and I absolutely love his heart and his passion. I am also very excited to see this expand across the Country and when it comes to my neck of the woods, I'm all on board!

To find out more about ThankX you can visit their Website I encourage you to check them out!

~ Brittney Richardson

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